+++++++++++++++ krypton (kr) +++++++++++++++ What is krypton **************** Noble, colorless, oderless, and tasteless. The name for this project was inspired by mercurial (i.e. laziness and lack of creativity by me). An element from the periodic table was chosen for a name: *krypton*. Th actual Python package name is **kr**. The project contains a verification framework, mainly for signal processing (dsp) FPGA cores. This package uses `MyHDL`_ to implement the cores and the `MyHDL`_ simlution engine. Initially, the project is reimplementing the GnuRadio USRP HDL completely in Python/`MyHDL`_. But the project is going slightly further and will make each of the DSP modules as generic and parameterizable as possible. It is the goal that the project will grow and support many different FPGA DSP systems. The *krypton* project (kr or maybe kool-radio?) has the following sub-packages. * *blocks* : This is a signal processing test/verification framework. It has a bunch of common *blocks* used in signal processing. This includes, sources, sinks, etc. This sub-package is used to test and verify the DSP components. * *signal*: This package will look and feel like the scipy.signal package. The scipy.signal package is not used because this projects desires to run on `pypy` (very important!). This project cannot rely on the scipy packages. Common functions required will be port to pure Python implementations. * *cores* : Contains the generic FPGA modules. * *test* : Contains functional and performance tests for the previous sub-packages. * *tools* : Python scripts for driving * *scripts* : A set of useful scripts, example filter design GUIs etc. * *examples* : Example projects build using the **kr** cores. This is really a sub-package but a directory, outside the kr package. As of 3-Jan-2013 this project is just beginning and is in its infancy. Hopefully (with any luck) there will be significant progress in the following months (don't hold your breathe). .. _pypy : http://www.pypy.org .. _MyHDL : http://www.myhdl.org